Andros Conservancy and Trust (ANCAT) Bahamas

Board of Directors and Partners PDF Print E-mail

Peter Douglas
Executive Director

Peter’s appreciation for the natural environment began at an early age when he spent his summers diving on the Andros Barrier Reef. His work in the hospitality industry, as Manager of Small Hope Bay Lodge, Andros, further reinforced his belief that Andros was a marvel of the world, loved and appreciated by locals and visitors alike. As the first Chief councilor in Central Andros, he pushed the environmental agenda and ANCAT was formed. He is a community organizer with many years experience, he has the support of local Androsians and is the face and voice of the Andros conservation effort on the TV sets of many, from Japan to France to right here at home in The Bahamas.

Rev. Newton W. Hamilton

Rev. came to Andros in 1975 as a trained Baptist Minister, he has worked as a tour guide on Andros for the past twenty five years, receiving the Minister of Tourism’s Hospitality Award in 1997. His work in the schools from Red Bays to Behring Point, passing his knowledge of conservation and appreciation of Andros’ natural resources onto the next generation of Androsians, has always been appreciated. He has been with ANCAT from its inception and has attended conservation workshops in Belize, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Minnesota, Andros and other islands in The Bahamas. He participated in a test burning experiment in Abaco and was actively involved with the west side tours during the CREP project.

Jeff Birch

Jeff is the owner/operator of Small Hope Bay Lodge, the oldest dive resort in the region. He has been a scuba diver his whole life and has a deep appreciation for the marine environment and the importance of its conservation. He has served as the President of the Out Island Promotion Board and has supported Ancat since its beginning.

Donna Stubbs
Assistant Secretary

Donna is one of the original board members at ANCAT. Her commitment to the people of Andros has always been a driving force in her life and has spurred her on to make sacrifices for her community. As a former Board of Works Chairman she promoted a beautification programme in Andros. She is now an elected member of the Local Government and continues to serve the public and conservation because of her strong belief in its importance. She is a respected community leader, business woman and events organizer at the Ministry of Tourism.

Scot Kurth

Scot has been a permanent resident of Central Andros since 1965. He has a B.Sc. from the University of Miami in Marine Science. He is an original ANCAT board member and active conservationist, supporting wind and solar energy technology.

Emily Miller

Ms. Miller is an Androsian gem, she studied in Canada at McGill University in Montreal. She has traveled extensively through North America, Australia and Europe, also taught in the United Kingdom for two years. Upon her return to The Bahamas she organized a running group, ‘Road Masters’, became a certified scuba diver and an aerobics instructor. She majored in Education and combined this love of teaching with a passion for science, serving on the Science Curriculum Board of The Bahamas for the past 15 years and running science workshops in the Family Islands for teachers. She has, as the Principal of Fresh Creek Primary School, encouraged her students to develop a love for the natural environment. Her school was featured in a Nickelodeon TV show highlighting young people caring for the environment and she has monthly events at the school to broaden the conservation awareness of her young charges.

Bill Adderley

Bill was the second Chief Councilor in the Central Andros district and made it a priority to develop the work of ANCAT. As a taxi driver and tour guide he has a great knowledge of the natural resources which he shares with our guests.

Beecham Braynen

A bone fishing and tour guide, Mr. Braynen, is a nature lover who has lived and worked in Behring Point all of his life. He is a respected church leader and musician.

Andy Smith

Andy is a master bone fish guide, he has studied Andros’ marine life his whole life under the tutelage of the famous Charlie Smith, his father. He has a wealth of knowledge he is willing to share with locals and guests alike. At Broad Shad Cay Lodge, a resort he operates he is living an environmentally friendly existence. He believes firmly in passing on his knowledge to the next generation and is committed to training young Bahamians in environmental issues.

Charlie Neymour

Charlie Neymour was practically born on the flats of Behring Point, Andros, where he was trained in his art by the old masters of bonefishing. Charlie has lived in Florida to gain professional experience in the art of fly fishing and trained as an expert guide. Today he runs his own bonefishing lodge, Big Charlie’s Lodge, which is nestled in an out of the way corner of the North Bight of Andros Island. He has worked with scientists sharing his knowledge of the flats, bights and west side of Andros and is passionate about saving this pristine wilderness for future generations.

Mckallan Stubbs

Mac is a local business man, who attended Tuskegee University and graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Agriculture Science. He is the President of the Central Andros Chamber of Commerce, a group of local business men who are supporting environmentally friendly development in the region.


Gabrielle Douglas
Part time Administrative Assistant

Mrs.Douglas' work at the Andros Conservancy and Trust is to plan and implement projects, plus assist the Board to continue the good work of ANCAT and to keep the office functioning properly. She is a British born Bahamian who came to Andros in 1980 to teach at the Central Andros High School. Her work with the students of Andros, and the Central Andros Scholarship Fund have assisted many Androsians to achieve higher goals in life.


ANCAT has strategic partners who contribute to the organization in many ways. Together we advance the work of conservation on the island.

Greenforce, International Field Station, Autec Andros Island Divers and Small Hope Bay Lodge

Eco Ed



Grants received in 2015 from :
Eco Ed Foundation, Tucker Foundation, Caribsave, Paradise Children’s Fund, Moore Bahamas Foundation, Lyford Cay Foundation, Scotia Bank, Commonwealth Bank, Cable Bahamas Cares Foundation and Idea Wild.

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